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Approval Granted for Detached Garage in Glackmeyer Township

The Committee of Adjustment for the Town of Cochrane has approved a minor variance application submitted by J. Genier for the property located at 885 HWY 652 in Glackmeyer Township. The application was reviewed under Section 45 of the Planning Act of Ontario.

The decision allows for the construction of a detached accessory building (garage) with a ground floor area of 334.45 square metres (3,600 square feet) and a maximum height of 6.8 metres (22.31 feet). This height exceeds the maximum height provision of 6 metres (19.69 feet) as stipulated in Zoning By-law 968-2013.

The last day to appeal this decision is September 17, 2024. Additional information regarding the application can be inspected at Town Hall, located at 171 Fourth Avenue, during regular office hours, Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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