Smooth Rock Falls Council Meeting Summary - August 19, 2024
The Smooth Rock Falls council meeting on August 19, 2024, included several key discussions and decisions:
- A presentation from the Continuous Improvement Fund provided information on the Municipal Blue Box Transition and Non-Eligible Sources.
- The Smooth Rock Falls Minor Hockey Association presented their need for Arena Canteen proceeds as a fundraiser.
- The council decided to reconsider and rescind Resolution #2024-246 regarding the award of canteen operations. A Request for Proposal (RFP) will be drafted and advertised, with a submission deadline of August 23, 2024, at 3:00 pm. Proposals will be evaluated by administration using a pre-established evaluation matrix.
- By-Law #2024-29, adopting a CAO Performance Evaluation Policy, was passed in its third reading.
- By-Law #2024-26, adopting a Confidentiality Policy, was passed in its third reading.
- By-Law #2024-28, amending the Procedural By-law to include a Council Question Period, was passed in its third reading.