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Timmins Proposes Correction to Zoning By-law on Gervais Street North

The City of Timmins has announced a proposed amendment to its zoning by-law, specifically targeting Schedule 11 of the City of Timmins Zoning By-law 2011-7100. This amendment seeks to correct an error in the zoning label on Gervais Street North. According to the City of Timmins, the current zoning label RD-OS was marked incorrectly, and the correct designation should be NA-R1.

The amendment is intended to ensure that zoning labels accurately reflect the intended land use designations as outlined in the City of Timmins Official Plan. This change is technical and aligns the zoning map with the approved zoning by-law.

Residents and stakeholders in Timmins are encouraged to review the proposed amendment details, which are available through the city's official channels. The City of Timmins has stated that this correction is consistent with the Council-approved zoning by-law and does not represent a change in land use policy.

The City of Timmins will follow the standard procedure for zoning by-law amendments, including public notification and opportunities for community input. Interested parties can participate in the process to ensure their views are considered.

This technical amendment underscores the city's commitment to maintaining accurate and up-to-date zoning information, which is crucial for effective urban planning and development management.