Weather report for Sep 08, 2024
Current weather conditions for the Northeast region, including Timmins and surrounding areas, show a light rainshower with a temperature of 16.9°C. The humidity is at a high 99%, indicating a moist atmosphere, and wind is coming from the east at 5 km/h.
Looking ahead, here's the forecast for Sunday, September 8, 2024:
- Daytime: Expect showers in the morning, which should taper off by noon. Skies will remain cloudy after that. Highs are anticipated around 21°C, with a moderate UV index of 5, so be sure to wear sunscreen if you plan to be outside.
- Evening: Showers may conclude and lead into a cloudy night.
For the upcoming week, here's what to look forward to:
- Monday: Cloudy with a chance of showers and a high of 18°C.
- Tuesday: A mix of sun and clouds, warming up to 20°C.
- Wednesday: Sunny, with temperatures reaching around 22°C.
- Thursday: Expect sunny weather with highs near 24°C.
- Friday: Cloudy with a chance of rain, high of 22°C.
No watches or warnings are currently in effect for the area. It’s a good idea to stay updated on weather conditions, particularly later in the week when rain is possible again.